English speakers understand, “fury,” and “rage,” to be synonyms – the same general meaning. Similar are “Nā rāz,” and “Ghuṣṣah,” in the subcontinent. Not so Arabic. Each Arabic word, however similar the English translation might be, has a very specific import. For example, whilst an English speaker might translate both يعلم (ya‘lamu)and يعرف (ya‘rifu) as, “He knows,” the first verb is general and the second implies knowing something which was not known before. So who cares? Well a Muslim does. A Muslim declares, “الله اعلم Allāhu a‘lam – Allāh knows best,” to admit his ignorance and the perfection of Allāh’s knowledge. The second verb can never be used in reference to Allāh. His knowledge is perfect. Never can He be said to know something that He did not know before. He always knew everything.
Egypt is an Arab land. It is a land where Ṣaḥābah and great ‘Ulamā’ are buried. It is a land known for the Qurān. The principle explained above would be imbued into an Egyptian with his mother’s milk, Muslim or not.
The overthrow of Mursī has shocked many. Of course good and bad rulers come and go, but what pains me beyond the actual events, is the choice of name of the rebels, Tamarrud.
Traditionally those seeking a change in government in Muslim lands have always presented their movements as something on the lines of Iṣlāḥ (rectification), taḥrīr (liberation), etc. Connotations of rebellion were avoided when the ruler was Muslim due to rulings that Muslim blood may not be spilt, as long as the ruler implements Sharī‘ah and is a Muslim.
To give an understanding of the diversity of verbs which can mean rebel/refuse/disobey; on the one side of the scale is a word which Allāh applies to both Himself and Satan, whilst on the other end, there is an exclusively satanic rebellion against Allāh.
يريدون أن يطفئوا نور الله بأفواههم ويأبى الله إلا أن يتم نوره ولو كره الكافرون
They desire to extinguish Allāh’s light with their mouths, but Allāh refuses except that He will complete His light even if the disbelievers dislike it.
[at-Tawbah: 32]
The very same verb (in the past tense) is used for Satan:
وإذ قلنا للملائكة اسجدوا لآدم فسجدوا إلا إبليس أبى واستكبر وكان من الكافرين
Recall when we said, “Prostrate,” to the angels, they prostrated but not Satan. He refused. He was arrogant and was amongst the disbelievers.
[al-Baqarah: 34]
Of all possible choices, the rebels have chosen to name themselves loudly and proudly as devilish rebels. The Qurānic usage of tamarrud is exclusively for rebels against Allāh, trouble seekers and devils:
إن يدعون من دونه إلا إناثا وإن يدعون إلا شيطانا مريدا
Instead of Allāh, they call unto goddesses and the rebel Satan.
[an-Nisā: 117]
ومن الناس من يجادل في الله بغير علم ويتبع كل شيطان مريد
Amongst people are those who dispute concerning Allāh without any knowledge and follow every rebellious devil.
[al-Ḥajj: 3]
Concerning the last verse, Ibn Kathīr commented:
يقول تعالى ذاما لمن كذب بالبعث ، وأنكر قدرة الله على إحياء الموتى ، معرضا عما أنزل الله على أنبيائه ، متبعا في قوله وإنكاره وكفره كل شيطان مريد ، من الإنس والجن ، وهذا حال أهل الضلال والبدع ، المعرضين عن الحق ، المتبعين للباطل ، يتركون ما أنزله الله على رسوله من الحق المبين ، ويتبعون أقوال رءوس الضلالة ، الدعاة إلى البدع بالأهواء والآراء
The Most High rebukes those who do not believe in resurrection and deny Allāh’s power to revive the dead. They turn from what Allāh revealed to His Prophets. Such people in word, denial and disbelief are in fact following every rebellious devil, human or jinni. Such is the state of the people of misguidance and innovation. They turn away from the truth and follow falsehood. They abandon the clear truth that Allāh revealed to His Messenger. Instead, they follow the words of the leaders of misguidance, the inviters towards innovation, personal desires and opinions….
- If the rebellion was merely against Mursī as a man, it would have been sad, but not the worst calamity this Ummah has faced.
- If the rebellion had been against having an Islāmic government, it would be bitter and unsanctionable, but still understandable. After all, how many “pious” Muslims are truly ready for the full rigours of a true Islāmic state?
- The leaders of Tamarrud, cognisant of Arabic and living in a land of the Qurān, have gone way beyond the above. One hopes the masses are innocent, but the leadership are rebels against Allāh, for at the very least they reject Allāh’s laws. To quote Ibn Kathīr, “They abandon the clear truth that Allāh revealed to His Messenger. Instead, they follow the words of the leaders of misguidance, the inviters towards innovation, personal desires and opinions….”
Allāh knows best when exactly ad-Dajjāl will appear, yet the schemes of his followers have been obvious throughout the world for years, if not decades. What is totally unexpected, at least to me, is the sudden and brazen declaration of masses of people, born in Muslim homes, that they are devilish rebels.
Clearly the speed of events is escalating. Every Muslim should earnestly escalate his/her preparation and safeguard his Īmān.