ʿImrān Naẓr Husayn
Literally, ʿImrān who was dedicated in a vow to Ḥusayn, a product of the University of Karāchī, is the ultimate example in our time of the harms which end times hysteria can inflict upon the Muslims, in faith and deed. Allāh knows best if he started off as a sincere specialist in the field, but the practical ramifications are that he now intentionally bends every possible narration and event to match an agenda which is no longer in the interests of Islām in general, let alone the ʿAhlus Sunnah.
His hysteria on end times (or “eschatology” as he loves saying, to apparently show his western academic credentials), has led him to setting up Russia as an idol and to support for those who curse and abuse ʿAbū Bakr and ʿĀʿishah (may Allāh be pleased with them). These two articles of his faith dictate his every view and decision even, or perhaps especially, when it contradicts the entire community of Muslims. Thus he gleefully approved the Srebrenica massacre of the Muslims in Bosnia, simply because the Serbs are allies of his idol, Russia.
His interpretive methodology (or hermeneutics to use his western lingo) is akin to the heresies of the Bāṭinīyah or ʾIsmāʿilīyah rather than the ʾAhlus Sunnah. A simple example happens to be from one of my first articles. I had written to alert the Muslims against the deception of some Shīʿah boys who presented him as a “Sunnī scholar” and quoted him in their deceptive “documentary”, “The Arrivals”. He may present himself as Sunnī, but his beliefs are closer to those boys than to ours. I reproduce the relevant part below:
Brazen distortion of Qurān and Ḥadīth
Our interpretation of Qurān and Ḥadīth is what Allāh and His Rasūl ﷺ taught us, via the chain of the Ṣaḥābah, Mufassirūn and Muḥaddithūn. Aḥādīth warning against personal interpretations are well known. Perhaps the most detailed Ḥadīth describing ad-Dajjāl is narrated by an-Nawwās bin Sam‘ān in al-Imām Muslim’s Ṣaḥīḥ, Chapter on the Mention of ad-Dajjāl. It is quite lengthy, but based on the print version where it covers 16 lines; the producers conveniently only quote a half-a-line to suit their purpose. Due to the length I only mention the relevant parts below:
عن النواس ابن سمعان ......انه خارج خلة بین الشام و العراق....قلنا یا رسول اﷲ و لبثه فى الأرض قال أربعون یوما یوم كسنة و یوم كشهر و یوم كجمعة و سائر أیامه كأیامكمقلنا یا رسول اﷲ فذلك الذى كسنة أ تكفینا فیه صلاة یوم قال لا اقدروا له قدره
An-Nawwās bin Sam‘ān narrated.... [Rasūlullāh ﷺ said that ad-Dajjāl] will emerge on the road between ‘Irāq and Syria....We asked, “O Rasūlullāh,” How long will he stay on earth?” He replied, “Forty days. A day like a year, and a day like a month, and a day like a week, and the rest of his days will be like your days.”“O Rasūlullāh,” we asked, “That which is like a year, will the Ṣalāh of a day suffice us in it? ’“No,” he replied, “Calculate for it according to its extent.”
The producers make the following claims:
ØAd-Dajjāl has already emerged.
ØThe first day represents his rule in England, starting in 900 of the Christian era.
ØThe English monarchy started in 900.
ØThe second day represents his rule in America, starting in 1917.
ØThe third day represents his rule in Palestine, starting in 2001.
The unbiased will realise:
ØEngland and “between Iraq and Syria” cannot be the same.
ØThe continuous monarchy of England is dated from the reign of Egbert in 829. Is Arrivals deliberately lying to get their date of 900?
ØThe question of Ṣalāh, clearly shows that the Ṣaḥābah understood the prophecy to mean that a normal 24 hour day will be extended to a year.
ØThis is in line with the clear, uncomplicated Dīn which Rasūlullāh ﷺ brought us.
ØThe esoteric UK-US theory seems more in line with Masonic thinking. Let the unbiased ask, “Has there been a single day since 900, when the day had to be shortened to 24 hours and divided into 5 for Ṣalāh purposes?” Obviously this has never happened in the general world, except for the poles, which is a permanent feature.
If we accept the producers’ theory, we must accept one of two possibilities: Rasūlullāh ﷺ did not know the real meaning of his prophecy, but the producer did! The stupidity of such a belief is self-evident. Rasūlullāh ﷺ knew the real “sophisticated” meaning but chose to toy with the Ṣaḥābah when they made their “simple” interpretation. Allāh save us from having either of these filthy thoughts against Rasūlullāh ﷺ. We must however ask, “The producers omitted the question of Ṣalāh which tears down their argument. Was this an oversight, coincidence or something more sinister?”
Mr Hosein made a slight response to me on his website. He initially mentioned me by name, but later edited me to “Br XYZ”.
سليمان الكندي
[Twitter has without explanation suspended my account @sulayman_Kindi]
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